Versions and Updates

Our updates are free within the same major version, the major version is the number before the dot.
We only charge update fees when changing to a higher major version, because the product is not updated, but upgraded, meaning that it basically has been redone. This happens for instance if changes in Second Life requires this, or if we decide that the product needs a revamp.

To stay informed on when an update is available, please touch one of the subscribe-o-matic stands in our shop. You do not need a group, and do not worry, we will not spam you. We dislike spam as much as anyone else.

To get to know your product type and version, click the "Product Info" or "Info"  button in the menu of the product.
When your product does not have a menu or the info button, rightclick the object, select edit and see the description.

To get an update, there are three possibilities, depending on the type of update.

  1. Update button - Click the update button in the menu of your product.


  2. Update station - Take the product with you and rez it on the update station in our shop, it will be deleted and you will get the new version.

    UDS location


  3. Exchange - In some cases the update is too complicated and you have to exchange with Saii Hallard.

    profile dropbar

    Make backups of any notecards contained in the product you update on the update station or exchange, since it will be replaced.


Versions per product

Listed below you will see the products listed in the following format:
Product type - Product number - Update type - Version


SRC type of Receivers

Notecard backup: Use the Card-Tray to make a backup of notecards (dj cards/streamcards) before rezzing on the update station, because the old board will be deleted!

SHX-SRC-F200 - 2900 - Update Station/button - 4.1   Click here for the SRC Receiver Update Log
SHX-SRC-M200 - 2901 - Update Station/button - 4.1
SHX-SRC-L200 - 2902 - Update Station/button - 4.1
SHX-SRC-M200 - 2901 - Update Station/button - 4.1
SHX-SRC-F210 - 3200 - Update Station/button - 4.1
SHX-SRC-F211 - 3201 - Update Station/button - 4.1
SHX-SRC-T215 - 3215 - Update Station/button - 4.1
SHX-SRC-T205 - 3205 - Update Station/button - 4.1
SHX-SRC-X255 - 3255 - Update Station/button - 4.1

Version 4.1 is available via the menu of the board -> [options] - Update. You'll get an updater device send to you.

Versions 3.5 and below: Take the board with you and rez it on the update station in our shop to get a new one.

 1.x Versions: SHX Club boards that are older then 2.0 are almost more than 10 years old and can not be updated anymore.


CSR - Song Rating

SHX-CSR-200 - 2945 - Update station - 2.0
- 2946 - Update station - 2.0
- 2947 - Update station - 2.0


SRN type of Receivers

SHX-SRN-MPC200 - 2911 - Update station - 4.1
SHX-SRN-LP200 - 2912 - Update station - 4.1
- 2914 - Update station - 4.1


DJ Huds

SHX - SHOUTcast - DJ HUD - 2880 - Update station - 2.3
SHX - SHOUTcast - DJ HUD Advanced - 2888 - Update station - 1.2

Internet Radios

SHX-SPR-501 - 5011 - Update station - 2.2
SHX-SPR-602 - 5012 - Update station - 2.2
SHX-SPR-666 - 5014 - Update station - 2.2
SHX-SPR-1912 - 5092 - Update station - 2.2
- 5093 - Update station - 2.2

Remote Controls

SHX-CDS-101 - 2882 - Deprecated
SHX-CDS-102 - 2883 - Deprecated
SHX-CDS-301 - 2885 - Update station - 2.2


Club equipment

SHX-CTS Server - 1100 - Update button - 4.0
SHX-CTS-Amulet-Dollar - 1140 - Update station - 2.6
SHX-CTS-Amulet-Pentagram - 1141 - Update station - 2.5

SHX-DLB-200 - 5200 - Update station - 2.5
SHX-DLB-210 - 5210 - Update station - 2.5

SHX-CCB-200 - 8200 - Update station - 2.4
SHX-CCB-210 - 8210 - Update station - 2.4

SHX-DBX-900-Booth - 3900 - Update button (/55 update) - 1.1

SHX-CIB-T20 - 4505 - Update station - 2.0
SHX-CIB-T50 - 4506 - Update station - 2.1

SHX-SAV-100 - 2950 - Update station - 2.3 (Product depricated)
SHX-SAV-200 - 2951 - Update station - 2.4
SHX-SAV-210 - 2952 - Update station - 2.4

SHX-DQS-200 - 7810 - Update button - 1.1
SHX-DQS-210 - 7811 - Update button - 1.1

VWB - Visitor Welcome Boards

SHX-VWB-200 - 4001 - Update button - 2.0  (versions prior to 1.6 need to be updated on the station)
SHX-VWB-210 - 4002 - Update button - 2.0
SHX-VWB-201 - 4003 - Update button - 2.0
- 4004 - Update button - 2.0

Other equipment

SHX-BLAH-200 - 6200 - Update station - 2.6
SHX-BLAH-210 - 6210 - Update station - 2.6
SHX-CWC-T200 - 4602 - Update station - 1.3
SHX-Texzilla - ___ - Update button -2.3