CSR Manual


Operation requirements

  • You must have a SRC receiver of course, this device can not operate without it. It must be in your ownership.
  • The SRC Receiver must be version 2.9 or higher.
  • Make sure the CSR rating board is on the same parcel as the SRC Receiver.
  • The options Remote and Album under the button [Remote] in the SRC Receivers menu must be enabled.
  • The SRC Receiver must be in master mode. (config: SLAVE: OFF)
  • The MCD Channel of the Rating board and the SRC Receiver must match.


DO NOT DEED THE BOARD! - Deeding has no use, because access restrictions are done with the menu. Furthermore when you deed it, it will no longer in your ownership and therefore not communicate with the SRC Receiver



The installation is fairly simple: Just rez the CSR board, touch it and click on Power On.
Do not deed it, because if you do it will no longer communicate with the SRC Receiver.

When you have more then one SRC receiver in the region, or when you have set the SRC Receiver to use another MCD channel. then change the MCD channel on this device accordingly. You can change the MCD channel in the [Options] menu with the [MCD ch.] button.

To give managers and DJs access to the CSR board, you have to use the Get Data button in the [Options] menu (see image 3). It will fetch the current Djs and Managers from the SRC receiver.
You have to use this feature every time you make changes to the SRC receiver DJs and/or managers, as it does not automatically synchronize.

Use [Access] in the [Options] menu to set who can access the board.



CSR overview
Image 1

When someone logs in on the SRC receiver, either via the menu or with a HUD, the song rating will activate for the time the DJ is logged in.

When activated and it receives the first song from the SRC receiver, it will look like Image 1 above.

The rating board will also work if you have the HIDE option set in your streamcard. Optionally you can turn this off in the SRC Receiver options. (ALLOWHIDEVOTE: OFF)

DJ Set (voting session):
During the DJ set, the rating (voting) option is activated. People can vote for the current song, but only once per song. The rating is from 0 to 5.
During the voting session, a couple of images are shown in between to entice people to vote. The duration of these images is only 5 seconds, and makes it more clear why they should vote. Of course, you or a host can ask people to vote for the songs they hear, so you as DJ can have a better overview what they like or dislike.

The images shown in between is on a fixed timer, which you can change in the .config notecard inside the board, or disable entirely if you wish.

When another or the same DJ logs in, a radiostation is selected or a streamcard is loaded it will end the current rating session.

If another DJ log in as an end to your set, it will briefly show the set score on the board itself. The time it displays the score after a set, or in between two DJs can be set in the .config notecard inside the board.

CSR end set Image 2

When the DJ set ends, two lists are send to the DJ per Instant Message:

  1. The full list of songs played during the set and their ratings (even if the DJ has set in their streamcard that songs will not be displayed, since the DJ only get this list anyway)
  2. A statistical list, with DJ set-score, best scored song, time played etc.

Be sure to open chat history! As the lists can be quite long and will therefore not display in your screen.

Furthermore, the song with the highest rating will make a chance to enter the top 40.

Default, the option to enter the top40 is enabled, this includes sending the Clubname and the DJ name to the top40 listing. If you rather not want to send either the Clubname or DJ name, you can turn this off in the menu of the board, or disable the top40 option entirely.
You would want to turn off your DJ name, if for instance it is illegal in your country to play certain music that is protected (licensed music). But of course it is best is to not play licensed music at all if this is not approved in your country.

Notes about statistics

  • The statistics per Set are calculated with a Bayesian algorithm, meaning that the more votes per song; the higher average score and a probability modifier to keep the scores fair.
  • You need to play at least 3 songs in a set to get a score and a chance to get in the top 40.
  • Songs that do not receive a single vote, will not get a score.


Administrate DJ scores / Check DJs

There is an option to enter your own avatar key (UUID) into the .config notecard of the board to receive each DJ set statistics (and only the stats list, not the songs lists) via an Instant Message.
This is not only a nice feature to see what ratings a DJ receive, but it can also be used as a check-up to see how long or even if a DJ played at all in your club when you are offline or not in the club.


DJ ratings / statistics on your own club website

Since many clubs in SL have their own website, we included an API.
A full modifiable script (API) is included in the board, which will make it possible to upload DJ Set statistics to your own website.

With these raw statistics per DJ set, you could for example set up:

  • How many sets DJs have played
  • What the average score per DJ is (and/or per set)
  • How much time (in total or per set) a DJ has played

Of course, it could also just be used for statistical purposes, to see for instance which DJs generate the most popular parties. With the statistics per DJ, used together with our VWB board, you could generate fairly exact figures on traffic versus music popularity to make a general "party success score" and filter out what DJs are more successful then others. It must be noted however that you have to take into consideration that there are many unsteady factors like competitive clubs, djs, the amount of people online etcetera. So please use these numbers wisely.

The API is an extra feature, which requires Scripting skills and possibly PHP / ASP / HTML skills. We will not help with making PHP scripts or tell you how to go about this, that is different for each situation and we certainly do not give programming lessons!


Top 40

The top 40 is a 30 days FIFO listing, meaning that songs enter with the highest scores, but will remain in the list up to  7 days and then will leave the list again (if another song enters that will replace it; songs with a higher score will knock out lower score songs first)
With one exception: If a song with the exact same name scores again within 7 days, it will remain in the list and restart its time period, and be overwritten with the club/dj name that scored a higher rating.

Gaming the list will be discouraged; Server side changes has been made already to counter this phenomenon.



Options Image 3

The top 3 options will prevent you to upload the song to the top40, or hide the clubname and/or DJ name.

[Access] - To set who can use the menu of the device and to list current managers/DJs
Get Data - To get Managers and DJs from a SRC Receiver
Product Info - To show the product ID and version
[MCD ch.] - To change the MCD communication channel (for communication with the SRC Receiver)
[Themes] - To change the colortheme
Update - To check if an update is available


DJ HUD Connection

A new HUD will be released at a later date, together with updates on existing HUDs, that will have song request abilities, as well as showing DJ set statistics when you are using this board.